Member area
Registrations - Peterborough, 01-02/06/2019, GBR - The Tour of Cambridgeshire
  • Group registration have to be paid by the manager of the group
  • Retrieval from the registration packages as a group are possible if your group contains 2 or more paid participants
  • Groups are accepted from 2 participants onwards.
  • Payment has

 > Group settings


Name of the group : 
Registration package retrieval : 
 > Group management password

Please define bellow the group management password.

Password : 
Password (bis) : 
 > Contact information from the capitain


Company : 
VAT Nr : 
Last Name : 
First Name : 
Street : 
City, Post Code : 
Country : 
Phone : 
Email : 
Confirmation email : 

Electronic Timing

Timing services