Registrations - Charleroi, 28/04/2019, BEL - Lampiris 15km de Charleroi
Group Associations
  • Groups are accepted from 15 participants.
  • Group registrations will be validated after closing and payment of the group by the captain.
  • Collective withdrawal of bibs by the group manager.
  • Groups of 50 or more can benefit from a tent (own tent) or organization (free).
  • Groups of more than 200 people can enjoy a tent (own tent) or organization (free).

 > Group settings


Name of the group : 
Registration package retrieval : 
 > Group management password

Please define bellow the group management password.

Password : 
Password (bis) : 
 > Contact information from the capitain


Association : 
Last name : 
First Name : 
Address : 
Postal Code, City : 
Country : 
Phone : 
Email : 
Confirmation email : 
Group size : 
Does your group want to benefit from the t-shirt offered by our partner? : 
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